Office of the Utah State Auditor

Office of the
State Auditor


For LEA Administrators

Project KIDS creates detailed LEA-specific dashboards with student-level information that authorized administrators can access. This page provides instructions for those LEA administrators.

2020-21 School Year Update

The Project KIDS LEA-specific dashboards are now updated to include the 2020-21 school year data. Certain dashboards contain sensitive student information; therefore, only authorized personnel can access them by logging in to Tableau Online.

For more information on accessing Tableau Online or creating a Tableau Online account for the first time, please see the Access Instructions Pamphlet.

For more information on navigating Tableau Online and making the most of the interactive visualizations, please see the Navigation Instructions Pamphlet.

If you experience any problems navigating Tableau Online or accessing the interactive dashboards, please email the Project KIDS team at

What are these dashboards, and how are they useful?

The Project KIDS LEA-specific dashboards allocate education costs to the level of the individual student. These interactive visualizations display spending and performance at multiple levels of aggregation, from the LEA to the student level. These allow stakeholders to see where money is flowing, prompting critical questions to help align financial resources with strategic objectives.

“Project KIDS has been instrumental in helping us understand how we allocate resources, analyzing the extent to which our budgeting processes are aligned to our priorities, and determining whether our intended student impact for those efforts has been realized.”

Dr. Rich Nye, Granite School District Superintendent

Project KIDS published a literature review with rationale for specific elements of the methodology and a comprehensive technical manual with detailed descriptions of the methodology. These documents are available on the Project KIDS Methodology page.