Privacy Resources
Welcome to the Privacy Resources page. Here you will find resources to help governmental entities as they improve their treatment of private information.
Governmental Website Privacy Notice Checklist
Utah Fundamental Privacy Principles (Graphic)
Privacy Toolkit
Privacy Toolkit Templates (PDF) or Privacy Toolkit Templates (Word Documents)
Cover Letter for Toolkit (PDF) or (Word Document)
Annual Report for Data Sharing and Sales Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
BYOD Policy Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Generative AI Usage Policy for Governmental Entities Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Government Entity Privacy Program Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Information Lifecycle Policy Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Personal Data Breach Notification to Impacted Individuals Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Personal Data Collection Notice Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Personal Data Inventory Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Personal Data Processing Consent Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Privacy Impact Assessment (PDF) or (Word Document)
Privacy Policy Simple Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Privacy Policy Statement Template (PDF) or (Word Document)
Privacy Policy Statement Training Video
Privacy Provisions for Vendor Contracts (PDF) or (Word Document)
If you are a government entity, how can we help you?
- We can meet with you during our virtual office hours, Wednesdays 1-1:30pm.
- We can deliver customized privacy training tailored to your needs and audience.
- We can conduct “Privacy Health Checks” – a comprehensive review of administrative, physical and technical safeguards implemented across your organization and we built a roadmap to bridging any gaps we find.
- We have an extensive array of tools, such as templates, checklists, monitoring metrics and educational materials that we would be happy to not only share but teach you how to use.
If you are an individual, how can we help you?
- If you are concerned about your privacy rights not being upheld by government entities, we can assist in investigating it.
- If we discover an improper privacy practice, we report it to the regulator of the entity and suggest ways to improve, including in law.
- If an entity is not communicating with you about your privacy right, we can reach out to them.
- If you want to report something anonymously, go here.