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Office of the Utah State Auditor

Office of the
State Auditor


Transaction Details – Transparent Utah

Transparent Utah also integrates data browsing, similar to the earliest versions of the Transparent Utah website. For those who are used to searching for a specific transaction, this capability is available under Transaction Details.

This search function is well suited to those who are finance professionals or who are interested in a specific individual transaction. Exploring how the state, counties, cities, schools, and all other entities structure their finances is now more responsive. After picking an entity and the relevant time periods of analysis, users can click within tables to filter the data and interact with it in place. Tables are searchable and sortable. Within the detailed tables (at the bottom of the page) users can drill into each detailed tab to understand how governments are collecting and allocating resources.

The names of vendors and employees are shown in any category of spending automatically while still preserving searchability. The “Tran” tab allows users to download large amounts of detailed transaction-level information based on user filters for any entity. For example, in this combination of browsing of the state data, a user might find the recent $2 million payment to Domo for services related to the current pandemic as wired by the State Treasurer.”

Above is an example search.

Video Tour of Transaction Details